Disease Pathophysiology Knowledge Base Schema
URI: https://w3id.org/dppkb
Name: dppkb
Class | Description |
AnimalModel | None |
Any | None |
Assay | None |
Biochemical | None |
Diagnosis | None |
Disease | None |
DiseaseCollection | None |
Environmental | None |
EpidemiologyInfo | None |
EvidenceItem | None |
Genetic | None |
InfectiousAgent | None |
Inheritance | None |
Mechanism | None |
ModelingConsideration | None |
Pathophysiology | None |
Phenotype | None |
Prevalence | None |
ProgressionInfo | None |
Subtype | None |
Transmission | None |
Treatment | None |
Variant | None |
Enumeration | Description |
AnatomicalEntityTerm | A term representing an anatomical entity |
AssayTerm | A term representing an assay |
BiologicalProcessTerm | A term representing a biological process or pathway |
CellTypeTerm | A cell type |
CellularComponentTerm | A term representing a cellular component |
ChemicalEntityTerm | A term representing a chemical entity |
DiseaseTerm | A disease or medical condition |
EvidenceItemSupportEnum | The level of support for an evidence item |
FrequencyEnum | The frequency of an event or phenomenon |
GeneTerm | A gene |
GeographyTerm | A place or location |
PhaseTerm | A phase or stage |
PhenotypeTerm | A term representing a phenotype |
TriggerTerm | A trigger |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
FrequencyQuantity | |
Integer | An integer |
Jsonpath | A string encoding a JSON Path |
Jsonpointer | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
PMID | |
Sparqlpath | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
Subset | Description |