import abc
import enum
import io
import typing
class Serializable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`Serializable` is a mixin class for data classes composed of a hierarchy of primitive types, such as `bool`, `int`,
`float`, or `str`, or other `Serializable` objects.
`Serializable` knows how to convert the data into a hierarchy composed of primitive types
or Python compound types such as `list` and `dict`. The hierarchy is an intermediate step before serializing
into a data format such as JSON, YAML or others using a :class:Serializer`.
The mixin requirements include a single method: :func:`field_names` and the other functionality then comes for free.
bool, int, float, str,
def field_names() -> typing.Iterable[str]:
Get an iterable with the data class field names.
def to_dict(self,
out: typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any]):
Write itself into a dictionary composed of primitive or Python compound types.
for name in self.field_names():
field = getattr(self, name)
Serializable._put_field_to_mapping(name, field, out)
def _put_field_to_mapping(
name: str,
field: typing.Optional[typing.Any],
out: typing.MutableMapping[str, typing.Any],
if field is None:
elif type(field) in Serializable._PRIMITIVES:
out[name] = field
elif isinstance(field, typing.Sequence):
seq = []
for subfield in field:
Serializable._put_field_to_sequence(subfield, seq)
out[name] = seq
elif isinstance(field, typing.Mapping):
val = {}
for k, v in field.items():
Serializable._put_field_to_mapping(k, v, val)
out[name] = val
elif isinstance(field, Serializable):
val = {}
out[name] = val
elif isinstance(field, enum.Enum):
out[name] =
elif hasattr(field, 'seconds') and hasattr(field, 'nanos') and hasattr(field, 'as_str') and callable(field.as_str):
# This quacks *exactly* as a Timestamp!
out[name] = field.as_str()
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected field {field}')
def _put_field_to_sequence(
field: typing.Optional[typing.Any],
out: typing.MutableSequence[typing.Any],
if field is None:
elif type(field) in Serializable._PRIMITIVES:
elif isinstance(field, Serializable):
val = {}
for field_name in field.field_names():
sub = getattr(field, field_name)
Serializable._put_field_to_mapping(field_name, sub, val)
elif isinstance(field, typing.Mapping):
val = {}
for k, v in field.items():
Serializable._put_field_to_mapping(k, v, val)
elif isinstance(field, enum.Enum):
elif hasattr(field, 'seconds') and hasattr(field, 'nanos') and hasattr(field, 'as_str') and callable(field.as_str):
# This quack *exactly* as a Timestamp!
# We should not have to process a sequence within a sequence.
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected field {field}')
class Serializer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`Serializer` serializes a :class:`Serializable` object into a format such as JSON, YAML, or others.
The format depends on the serializer subclass.
def serialize(
val: Serializable,
fp: typing.IO,
Serialize a value `val` into the provided IO object `fp`.
E = typing.TypeVar('E', bound=enum.Enum)
A type that is a subclass of :class:`enumEnum`.
class Deserializable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`Deserializable` knows how to initialize itself
based on a `dict` with intermediate Python representation.
See :class:`Serializable` for more info.
def from_dict(cls, values: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]):
# Can raise if a required field is missing
def required_fields(cls) -> typing.Sequence[str]:
# May not be implemented if the class includes a field with oneof Protobuf semantics!
def _all_required_fields_are_present(
values: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]
) -> bool:
return all(field in values for field in cls.required_fields())
def _complain_about_missing_field(
values: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]
missing = tuple(filter(lambda f: f not in values, cls.required_fields()))
raise ValueError(f'{cls.__name__}: missing {len(missing)} required field(s): {missing}')
def _extract_optional_field(
key: str,
vals: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
) -> typing.Optional[typing.Any]:
return vals[key] if key in vals else None
def _extract_enum_field(
key: str,
clz: typing.Type[E],
vals: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
) -> typing.Optional[E]:
return clz[vals[key]] if key in vals else None
D = typing.TypeVar('D', bound=Deserializable)
A type that is a subclass of :class:`Deserializable`.
def extract_oneof_scalar(
clsd: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Type[D]],
vals: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
) -> typing.Optional[D]:
for key, cls in clsd.items():
scalar = extract_message_scalar(key, cls, vals)
if scalar is not None:
return scalar
return None
def extract_message_scalar(
key: str,
cls: typing.Type[D],
vals: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
) -> typing.Optional[D]:
return cls.from_dict(vals[key]) if key in vals else None
def extract_message_sequence(
key: str,
cls: typing.Type[D],
vals: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
) -> typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[D]]:
if key in vals:
val = vals[key]
if not isinstance(val, typing.Sequence):
raise ValueError('Bug') # TODO: improve error handling
return [cls.from_dict(item) for item in val]
return None
class Deserializer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`Deserializer` decodes a :class:`Deserializable` class from a `str` or text IO handle.
def deserialize(
fp: typing.Union[str, io.TextIOBase],
clz: typing.Type[D],
) -> D:
Decode an instance of deserializable class from the input `fp`.
:param fp: input to decode either as a `str` or a text IO handle.
:param clz: type of the class to be created from the input.
:returns: a new instance of `D` with attributes set based on the `fp`.