import abc
import typing
from google.protobuf.message import Message
class ToProtobuf(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
A mixin for data classes that can encode themselves into some protobuf bytes.
Let's create an example subject:
>>> from ppsc.v202 import Individual
>>> i = Individual(id='', alternate_ids=['other', 'identifiers'])
Now we can serialize the individual into a file or, for the purpose of this test, into :class:`io.BytesIO` buffer:
>>> import io
>>> buf = io.BytesIO()
>>> i.dump_pb(buf)
>>> buf.getvalue()
def to_message(self) -> Message:
Get a protobuf representation of the class.
def dump_pb(self, fp: typing.BinaryIO):
Write the protobuf representation of the class into the provided `fp` byte handle.
msg = self.to_message()
class FromProtobuf(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
A mixin for data classes/types that can be created from some protobuf bytes.
In general, the deserialization first constructs an intermediate Protobuf :class:`Message`. The message is then
mapped into the actual class.
Let's load example protobuf file at the following location:
>>> import os
>>> fpath_pb = os.path.join('tests', 'data', 'pp', 'retinoblastoma.pb')
The file contains a v2.0.2 phenopacket. Let's import the `Phenopacket` class and load the file:
>>> from ppsc.v202 import Phenopacket
>>> with open(fpath_pb, 'rb') as fh:
... pp = Phenopacket.from_pb(fh)
Now we have a phenopacket that we can work with:
def message_type(cls) -> typing.Type[Message]:
Get the type of the protobuf element that this class can be decoded from.
def from_message(cls, msg: Message):
Decode the message into a new instance of this class.
def from_pb(
fp: typing.BinaryIO,
Create an instance from some bytes read from `pb`.
The bytes are expected to correspond to the state of the message.
msg_type = cls.message_type()
msg = msg_type()
return cls.from_message(msg)
def complain_about_incompatible_msg_type(
msg: Message,
# TODO: hide
A utility method for user-friendly complaint regarding attempting to decode from incompatible type.
raise ValueError(f'Cannot decode {cls} from {type(msg)}')
FP = typing.TypeVar('FP', bound=FromProtobuf)
A type that is a subclass of :class:`FromProtobuf`.
def extract_pb_oneof_scalar(
oneof_group: str,
clsd: typing.Mapping[str, typing.Type[FP]],
msg: Message,
) -> typing.Optional[FP]:
key = msg.WhichOneof(oneof_group)
if key is not None:
cls = clsd[key]
return extract_pb_message_scalar(key, cls, msg)
return None
def extract_pb_message_scalar(
key: str,
cls: typing.Type[FP],
msg: Message,
) -> typing.Optional[FP]:
if msg.HasField(key):
return cls.from_message(getattr(msg, key))
return None
def extract_pb_message_seq(
key: str,
cls: typing.Type[FP],
msg: Message,
) -> typing.Iterable[FP]:
return (cls.from_message(i) for i in getattr(msg, key))