The purpose of this app is to extract a list of phenopackets that have narrow and broad parents according to the ClintLR schema.
To run it, enter the following command
--allppkt allppkt0_1_15/
--clintlr DiseaseIntuitionGroupsTsv.tsv
- allppkt0_1_16 is the path to the all_phenopackets directory that can be downloaded from the phenopacket-store Releases page. Note that you need to have at least version 0.1.16 of phenopacket-store.
- DiseaseIntuitionGroupsTsv.tsv is the file with mappings to narrow and broad Mondo parents (see the ClintLR project for more details).
The result of this command is a new directory called "candidates" that contains a file called candidates.tsv
as well as each of the references phenopackets.