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Externally managed content

Externally managed content is content that is provided by trusted providers and is merged in unreviewed. Currently, we support three types of externally managed content:

  1. Preferred names / labels. If a partner organisation of Monarch has a certain preference for a name this can be recorded as part of the metadata.
  2. Cross-references and linkouts. Partner organisations can provide cross-references and linkout to important resources related to a disease.
  3. Subsets. Partner organisations can provide subset information to Mondo. This is used in a variety of ways, such as:
  4. NORD declares which diseases it consideres "rare"
  5. Open Targets declares which diseases are used for their drug-prediction framework

Typical workflows

  1. External provider provides a TSV. (Ideally they use the same template that NORD uses - see src/ontology/external/nord.robot.tsv).
  2. We pull it in and turn it into a ROBOT template and transform it to owl.