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Mapping progress report

Ontology Tot terms Tot excluded Tot deprecated Tot deprecated unmapped Tot mappable (!excluded, !deprecated) Tot mapped (mappable) Tot unmapped (mappable) % unmapped (mappable)
ICD10WHO 12,542 0 0 0 12,542 18 12,524 99.9%
ICD10CM 95,847 15,452 0 0 80,395 1,166 79,229 98.5%
ICD11FOUNDATION 57,713 0 5,594 5,594 52,119 4,108 48,011 92.1%
NCIT 191,123 169,937 5,221 5,216 15,965 3,676 12,289 77.0%
GARD 12,004 0 0 0 12,004 0 12,004 100.0%
ORDO 15,561 6,270 1,424 1,255 9,291 9,214 77 0.8%
DOID 14,172 2,660 2,488 2,477 11,510 11,457 53 0.5%
OMIM 29,542 19,377 1,368 1,322 8,798 8,758 40 0.5%

Ontology: Name of ontology
Tot terms: Total terms in ontology
Tot excluded: Total terms Mondo has excluded from mapping / integrating
Tot deprecated: Total terms that the ontology source itself has deprecated
Tot mappable (!excluded, !deprecated): Total mappable candidates for Mondo; all terms that are not excluded or deprecated.
Tot mapped (mappable): Total mapped terms (that are mappable in Mondo). Includes exact, broad, and narrow mappings.
Tot unmapped (mappable): Total unmapped terms (that are mappable in Mondo)
% unmapped (mappable): % unmapped terms (that are mappable in Mondo)

To run the workflow that creates this data, refer to the workflows documentation.