Class: ChromosomePart
A Chromosome or a part of a chromosome (includes whole chromosomes, arms, and bands)
URI: chromoschema:ChromosomePart
Referenced by class
- None children 0..* ChromosomePart
- None ➞has 0..* ChromosomePart
- None parent 0..1 ChromosomePart
- ChromosomePart➞id 1..1
- Range: String
- band_descriptor 0..1
- Description: A string representing a chromosome band, e.g. p31.1. This is local to the chromosome, so the chromosome is not included in the descriptor
- Range: BandDescriptor
- chromosome_name 0..1
- Description: E.g. chr1, chrM. Some species like C elegans may use roman numerals
- Range: ChromosomeNameType
- build 0..1
- Description: A descriptor for the genome and build number. E.g hg38
- Range: GenomeBuild
- name 0..1
- Description: Unique human-readable label for the entity
- Range: LabelType
- type 0..1
- Range: EntityType
- somal_type 0..1
- Description: indicates whether this is a sex-chromosome or not
- Range: AutosomeVsSexChromosome
- sex_chromosome_type 0..1
- Description: Only populated for sex chromosomes. Indicates the chromosome type. This is X or Y in mammals, W or Z in avians
- Range: SexChromosomeType
- cell_location 0..1
- Description: which organelle the chromosome is associated with. For eukaryotes this is mitochondrion or nucleus. For prokaryotes the distinction does not make sense
- Range: LocationType
- taxon 0..1
- Description: The taxon to which the chromosome part belongs. Always NCBITaxon.
- Range: TaxonIdentifier
- start 0..1
- Description: Start location of the chromosomal part. Note we also include this for whole chromosomes - start will be zero
- Range: Integer
- end 0..1
- Description: Start location of the chromosomal part. Note we also include this for whole chromosomes - end will be rightmost point
- Range: Integer
- children 0..*
- Description: Direct parts of this chromosome. zero to many.
- Range: ChromosomePart
- parent 0..1
- Description: Direct chromosomal part which this is a part of. The partonomy forms a tree so this is always zero or one. Different species have different rules but typically the partonomy will be something like 1p31.1 -> 1p31 -> 1p3 -> 1p -> 1
- Range: ChromosomePart
- exact_mappings 0..*
- Description: For a whole chromosome, this may be an assembled sequence in a database such as genbank or ensembl
- Range: Uriorcurie
- exact_synonyms 0..*
- Range: String
- broad_synonyms 0..*
- Range: String
Other properties
Comments: | OWL Notes: when translated to OWL, instances of this class will be treated as | |
OWL classes, with the superclass determined by the type field |