Bases: CdaFactory
Class for creating a Biosample
element from a row of the specimen
CDA table.
The class returns a GA4GH Biosample object that corresponds to a row of the speciment table.
The CDA specimen table has the following fields.
- specimen_id: identifier
- specimen_identifier: structured field with additional information
- specimen_associated_project: e.g., CGCI-HTMCP-CC
- days_to_collection: age in days at time specimen was collected
- primary_disease_type: to be clarified
- anatomical_site: body location at which specimen was collected
- source_material_type: todo
- specimen_type: todo
- derived_from_specimen: todo
- derived_from_subject: todo
- subject_id: todo
- researchsubject_id: todo
Source code in src/oncoexporter/cda/
| class CdaBiosampleFactory(CdaFactory):
Class for creating a `Biosample` element from a row of the `specimen` CDA table.
The class returns a GA4GH Biosample object that corresponds to a row of the speciment table.
The CDA specimen table has the following fields.
- specimen_id: identifier
- specimen_identifier: structured field with additional information
- specimen_associated_project: e.g., CGCI-HTMCP-CC
- days_to_collection: age in days at time specimen was collected
- primary_disease_type: to be clarified
- anatomical_site: body location at which specimen was collected
- source_material_type: todo
- specimen_type: todo
- derived_from_specimen: todo
- derived_from_subject: todo
- subject_id: todo
- researchsubject_id: todo
def to_ga4gh(self, row) -> PPKt.Biosample:
biosample = PPKt.Biosample() = row['specimen_id']
derived_from_subj = row['derived_from_subject']
if derived_from_subj is not None:
biosample.individual_id = derived_from_subj
# TODO: Biosample time_of_collection: Age at time sample was collected
# -> need subject age + days to collection
# perform this in under "Retrieve GA4GH Biospecimen messages"
days_to_collection = row['days_to_collection'] # number of days from index date to sample collection date
if days_to_collection is not None:
# need PPKt.iso8601duration where = biosample.individual_id
# days_to_coll_td = pd.Timedelta(days=days_to_collection)
# time_of_coll = PPkt.iso8601duration + days_to_coll_td
# biosample.time_of_collection = time_of_coll.isoformat()
# derived_from_specimen -> derived_from_id
Under mapping specimen it says (for GDC): "'specimen_type' is "'sample' or 'portion' or 'slide'
or 'analyte' or 'aliquot'" and
'derived_from_specimen' is "'initial specimen' if specimen_type is 'sample';
otherwise for parent Specimen record".
Note: may want to add a check that specimen_type from CDA is 'sample' if derived_from is 'initial specimen'
derived_from = row['derived_from_specimen']
if derived_from is not None:
if derived_from != 'initial specimen':
biosample.derived_from_id = derived_from
# anatomical_site -> sampled_tissue
sampled_tissue = _map_anatomical_site(row['anatomical_site'])
if sampled_tissue is not None:
sample_type = _map_specimen_type(row['specimen_type'])
if sample_type is not None:
# primary_disease_type -> histological_diagnosis
histological_diagnosis = _map_primary_disease_type(row['primary_disease_type'])
if histological_diagnosis is not None:
material_sample = _map_source_material_type(row['source_material_type'])
if material_sample is not None:
return biosample