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Bases: CdaFactory

CdaMutationFactory maps a row of the CDA mutation table into VariantInterpretation element of the Phenopacket Schema.

See here <>_ for the mutation table schema.

Initial fields to map to phenopackets: - cda_subject_id - Entrez_Gene_Id - Hugo_Symbol - NCBI_Build - Chromosome - Start_Position - End_Position - Reference_Allele - Tumor_Seq_Allele2 - dbSNP_RS - Transcript_ID - HGVSc - ENSP - HGVSp_Short - Mutation_Status - t_depth - t_ref_count - t_alt_count - n_depth - n_ref_count - n_alt_count

Additional fields to map, not required for pilot: - primary_site - dbSNP_Val_Status - HGVSp - Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 - Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 - Tumor_Validation_Allele1 - Tumor_Validation_Allele2 - Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 - Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2

Source code in src/oncoexporter/cda/
class CdaMutationFactory(CdaFactory):
    `CdaMutationFactory` maps a row of the CDA mutation table into `VariantInterpretation`
    element of the Phenopacket Schema.

    See `here <>`_ for
    the mutation table schema.

    Initial fields to map to phenopackets:
    - cda_subject_id
    - Entrez_Gene_Id
    - Hugo_Symbol
    - NCBI_Build
    - Chromosome
    - Start_Position
    - End_Position
    - Reference_Allele
    - Tumor_Seq_Allele2
    - dbSNP_RS
    - Transcript_ID
    - HGVSc
    - ENSP
    - HGVSp_Short
    - Mutation_Status
    - t_depth
    - t_ref_count
    - t_alt_count
    - n_depth
    - n_ref_count
    - n_alt_count

    Additional fields to map, not required for pilot:
    - primary_site
    - dbSNP_Val_Status
    - HGVSp
    - Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1
    - Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2
    - Tumor_Validation_Allele1
    - Tumor_Validation_Allele2
    - Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1
    - Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2

    def __init__(self):
        self._column_names = [
            'Entrez_Gene_Id', 'Hugo_Symbol',
            'NCBI_Build', 'Chromosome', 'Start_Position', 'End_Position', 'Reference_Allele', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2',
            'Transcript_ID', 'HGVSc', 'ENSP', 'HGVSp_Short',
            't_depth', 't_ref_count', 't_alt_count',
            'n_depth', 'n_ref_count', 'n_alt_count',
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def to_ga4gh(self, row: pd.Series) -> pp.VariantInterpretation:
        Convert a row from the CDA mutation table
        into a VariantInterpretation message (GA4GH Phenopacket Schema).

        :param row: a :class:`pd.Series` with the row of the CDA mutation table.
        if not isinstance(row, pd.Series):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument. Expected pandas series but got {type(row)}")

        if any(field not in row for field in self._column_names):
            keys = set(row.index)
            missing = keys.difference(self._column_names)
            raise ValueError(f'Missing field(s): {missing}')

        vdescriptor = pp.VariationDescriptor() = self._generate_id(row)

        # Gene context
        if row['Hugo_Symbol'] is not None and row['Entrez_Gene_Id'] is not None:
            vdescriptor.gene_context.value_id = f"NCBIGene:{row['Entrez_Gene_Id']}"
            vdescriptor.gene_context.symbol = row['Hugo_Symbol']

        # We may consider including an HGVS c expression for ALL transcripts,
        # using the `all_effects` field that looks like this:
        # SPRY3,missense_variant,p.G118A,ENST00000302805,NM_005840.2,c.353G>C,MODERATE,YES,deleterious(0),benign(0.001),1;SPRY3,missense_variant,p.G118A,ENST00000675360,NM_001304990.1,c.353G>C,MODERATE,,deleterious(0),benign(0.001),1
        if row['Transcript_ID'] is not None and row['HGVSc'] is not None:
            hgvs_expression = pp.Expression()
            hgvs_expression.syntax = "hgvs.c"
            hgvs_expression.value = f"{row['Transcript_ID']}:{row['HGVSc']}"

        if row['ENSP'] is not None and row['HGVSp_Short'] is not None:
            hgvs_expression = pp.Expression()
            hgvs_expression.syntax = "hgvs.p"
            hgvs_expression.value = f"{row['ENSP']}:{row['HGVSp_Short']}"

        # TODO: consider adding HGVS.g

        vcf_record = self._create_vcf_record(row)
        if vcf_record is not None:

        # Tumor/normal depths
        for name in ('t_depth', 't_ref_count', 't_alt_count',
                     'n_depth', 'n_ref_count', 'n_alt_count'):
            val = row[name]
            ext = pp.Extension()
   = name
            # We expect an `int` or `None`.
            ext.value = str(val)

        # Mutation status
        ms = row['Mutation_Status']
        if ms is not None and len(ms) > 1:
            ext = pp.Extension()
   = 'Mutation_Status'
            ext.value = ms

        vdescriptor.molecule_context = pp.MoleculeContext.genomic

        vinterpretation = pp.VariantInterpretation()
        return vinterpretation

    def _create_vcf_record(self, row: pd.Series) -> typing.Optional[pp.VcfRecord]:
        ref = row['Reference_Allele']
        alt = row['Tumor_Seq_Allele2']
        if ref == '-' or alt == '-':
                'Cannot create a VCF record due to missing bases in the Reference_Allele/Tumor_Seq_Allele2 alleles: %s',
            return None

        vcf_record = pp.VcfRecord()
        vcf_record.genome_assembly = row['NCBI_Build']
        vcf_record.chrom = row['Chromosome']
        rs_id = row['dbSNP_RS']
        if rs_id is not None:
   = rs_id
        vcf_record.pos = row['Start_Position']
        vcf_record.ref = ref
        vcf_record.alt = alt
        return vcf_record

    def _generate_id(row: pd.Series) -> str:
        return str(hash(''.join(str(x) for x in row.values)))


Convert a row from the CDA mutation table into a VariantInterpretation message (GA4GH Phenopacket Schema).


Name Type Description Default
row Series

a :class:pd.Series with the row of the CDA mutation table.

Source code in src/oncoexporter/cda/
def to_ga4gh(self, row: pd.Series) -> pp.VariantInterpretation:
    Convert a row from the CDA mutation table
    into a VariantInterpretation message (GA4GH Phenopacket Schema).

    :param row: a :class:`pd.Series` with the row of the CDA mutation table.
    if not isinstance(row, pd.Series):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument. Expected pandas series but got {type(row)}")

    if any(field not in row for field in self._column_names):
        keys = set(row.index)
        missing = keys.difference(self._column_names)
        raise ValueError(f'Missing field(s): {missing}')

    vdescriptor = pp.VariationDescriptor() = self._generate_id(row)

    # Gene context
    if row['Hugo_Symbol'] is not None and row['Entrez_Gene_Id'] is not None:
        vdescriptor.gene_context.value_id = f"NCBIGene:{row['Entrez_Gene_Id']}"
        vdescriptor.gene_context.symbol = row['Hugo_Symbol']

    # We may consider including an HGVS c expression for ALL transcripts,
    # using the `all_effects` field that looks like this:
    # SPRY3,missense_variant,p.G118A,ENST00000302805,NM_005840.2,c.353G>C,MODERATE,YES,deleterious(0),benign(0.001),1;SPRY3,missense_variant,p.G118A,ENST00000675360,NM_001304990.1,c.353G>C,MODERATE,,deleterious(0),benign(0.001),1
    if row['Transcript_ID'] is not None and row['HGVSc'] is not None:
        hgvs_expression = pp.Expression()
        hgvs_expression.syntax = "hgvs.c"
        hgvs_expression.value = f"{row['Transcript_ID']}:{row['HGVSc']}"

    if row['ENSP'] is not None and row['HGVSp_Short'] is not None:
        hgvs_expression = pp.Expression()
        hgvs_expression.syntax = "hgvs.p"
        hgvs_expression.value = f"{row['ENSP']}:{row['HGVSp_Short']}"

    # TODO: consider adding HGVS.g

    vcf_record = self._create_vcf_record(row)
    if vcf_record is not None:

    # Tumor/normal depths
    for name in ('t_depth', 't_ref_count', 't_alt_count',
                 'n_depth', 'n_ref_count', 'n_alt_count'):
        val = row[name]
        ext = pp.Extension() = name
        # We expect an `int` or `None`.
        ext.value = str(val)

    # Mutation status
    ms = row['Mutation_Status']
    if ms is not None and len(ms) > 1:
        ext = pp.Extension() = 'Mutation_Status'
        ext.value = ms

    vdescriptor.molecule_context = pp.MoleculeContext.genomic

    vinterpretation = pp.VariantInterpretation()
    return vinterpretation