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Template for extracting Alzheimer's Disease Phenotypes

Template for extracting phenotypes of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias along with experimental metrics and model organisms. Assumes a large input text, on the order of a full scientific article or review. Focus is on extracting the methods and metrics used with different model organisms. This version of the template attempts to process the entirety of the input text at once.


Name: alzrd

Schema Diagram

erDiagram Document { string summary string article_type string modeling_approach string modeling_summary string id string label } ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship { string direct_or_indirect string association } NamedEntity { string id string label } Chemical { string id string label } MetricOrIndicator { string id string label } ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship { string direct_or_indirect string association } EnvironmentalExposure { string id string label } ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship { string direct_or_indirect string association } Disease { string id string label } ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship { string direct_or_indirect } Taxon { string id string label } Diagnostic { string id string label } Document ||--}o Taxon : "taxa" Document ||--}o Diagnostic : "diagnostics" Document ||--}o Disease : "diseases" Document ||--}o Chemical : "chemical" Document ||--}o EnvironmentalExposure : "environmental_exposures" Document ||--}o MetricOrIndicator : "experimental_metrics_and_indicators" Document ||--}o ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship : "experimental_metrics_to_taxon_relationships" Document ||--}o ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship : "experimental_metric_to_disease_relationships" Document ||--}o ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship : "experimental_metric_to_environment_relationships" Document ||--}o ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship : "experimental_metric_to_chemical_relationships" ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship ||--|o MetricOrIndicator : "metric" ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship ||--|o Chemical : "chemical" ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "predicate" ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "metric_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "chemical_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship ||--|o MetricOrIndicator : "metric" ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship ||--|o EnvironmentalExposure : "environment" ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "predicate" ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "metric_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "environment_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship ||--|o MetricOrIndicator : "metric" ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship ||--|o Disease : "disease" ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "predicate" ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "metric_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "disease_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship ||--|o MetricOrIndicator : "metric" ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship ||--|o Taxon : "taxon" ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "predicate" ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "metric_qualifier" ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship ||--|o NamedEntity : "taxon_qualifier"


Class Description
AnnotatorResult None
Any None
CompoundExpression None
        ExperimentalMetricToChemicalRelationship A triple where the subject is an experimental metric, the object is a chemical, drug, or other substance, and the predicate describes the relationship between the metric and the chemical, usually MEASURED_IN_RESPONSE_TO.
        ExperimentalMetricToDiseaseRelationship A triple where the subject is an experimental metric, the object is a disease or condition, and the predicate describes the relationship between the metric and the disease, usually USED_TO_MODEL.
        ExperimentalMetricToEnvironmentRelationship A triple where the subject is an experimental metric, the object is an environmental exposure or condition, and the predicate describes the relationship between the metric and the environmental exposure, usually MEASURED_IN_RESPONSE_TO.
        ExperimentalMetricToTaxonRelationship A triple where the subject is an experimental metric, the object is an taxon, metric, and the predicate describes the relationship between the metric and the taxon, usually MEASURED_IN.
        Triple Abstract parent for Relation Extraction tasks
ExtractionResult A result of extracting knowledge on text
NamedEntity None
        Chemical None
        Diagnostic None
        Disease None
        Document None
        EnvironmentalExposure None
        MetricOrIndicator None
        RelationshipType None
        Taxon None
Publication None
TextWithEntity A text containing one or more instances of a single type of entity.
TextWithTriples A text containing one or more relations of the Triple type.


Slot Description
abstract The abstract of the publication
article_type The type of article, e
association The type of any observed association between the value of the metric and the ...
chemical A semicolon-separated list of chemicals, drugs, or other substances mentioned...
chemical_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the chemical, drug, or other substance,...
diagnostics A semicolon-separated list of diagnostic procedures mentioned in the input te...
direct_or_indirect Whether the relationship between the metric and the taxon is direct or indire...
disease The name of a disease or condition
disease_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the disease or condition, as described ...
diseases A semicolon-separated list of diseases or conditions mentioned in the input t...
environment The name of an environmental exposure or condition
environment_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the environmental exposure, as describe...
environmental_exposures A semicolon-separated list of environmental exposures mentioned in the input ...
experimental_metric_to_chemical_relationships Semicolon-separated list of relationships between a specific experimental met...
experimental_metric_to_disease_relationships Semicolon-separated list of relationships between a specific experimental met...
experimental_metric_to_environment_relationships Semicolon-separated list of relationships between a specific experimental met...
experimental_metrics_and_indicators A semicolon-separated list of of experimental metrics, signs, symptoms, or ou...
experimental_metrics_to_taxon_relationships Semicolon-separated list of relationships between a specific experimental met...
extracted_object The complex objects extracted from the text
full_text The full text of the publication
id A unique identifier for the named entity
label The label (name) of the named thing
metric The name of an experimental metric, sign, symptom, or outcome used to measure...
metric_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the experimental metric, as described i...
modeling_approach A brief description of the modeling approach used in the input text, e
modeling_summary A brief summary of the modeling approach used in the input text, suitable for...
named_entities Named entities extracted from the text
object_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the object of the statement, e
predicate The relationship type, generally MEASURED_IN to indicate a metric is measured...
qualifier A qualifier for the statements, e
subject_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the subject of the statement, e
summary A brief summary of the input text, suitable for display in a table of content...
taxa A semicolon-separated list of taxa or species of organisms mentioned in the i...
taxon The taxon or species of the model organism in which the experimental metric i...
taxon_qualifier An optional qualifier or modifier for the taxon, as described
title The title of the publication


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description