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Slot: environmental_exposures

A semicolon-separated list of environmental exposures mentioned in the input text. These may include exposure to general classes of materials, e.g., "exposure to pesticides", or other phenomena, e.g., "chronic stress". If no environmental exposures are mentioned, return NOT FOUND.

URI: alzrd:environmental_exposures

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Document no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self alzrd:environmental_exposures
native alzrd:environmental_exposures

LinkML Source

name: environmental_exposures
description: A semicolon-separated list of environmental exposures mentioned in the
  input text. These may include exposure to general classes of materials, e.g., "exposure
  to pesticides", or other phenomena, e.g., "chronic stress". If no environmental
  exposures are mentioned, return NOT FOUND.
rank: 1000
alias: environmental_exposures
owner: Document
- Document
range: EnvironmentalExposure
multivalued: true