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Phenomics Workshop Series

A series of conferences and community gatherings to coalesce phenomics informatics data structures, ontologies, algorithms, and tools.


Phenopackets Hackathon

Dates: April 30, 2019
Location: Hinxton, UK
Workshop Organizers: Melissa Haendel (OHSU/OSU), Peter Robinson (Jax), Jules Jacobsen (QML), and Monica Munoz-Torres (OSU)

Focus areas

We held a Phenopackets Hackathon during the GA4GH Implementation Connect meeting, which took place at the Wellcome Conference Center in Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK. Melissa Haendel, Peter Robinson, Jules Jacobsen, and Monica Munoz-Torres were hosting this discussion, in collaboration with Lindsay Smith and David Hansen, members of the GA4GH management and leadership teams. The hackathon was open to all participating members of the GA4GH meeting, and it welcomed the majority of members from the GA4GH’s Clinical and Phenotypic Data Workstream.