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A class to simplify the interpretation of thresholded values

The class organizes the interpretation of numerical values for tests such as blood potassium. Results can be low, normal, or high, and there is an HPO term for each. The class also provides commonly used normal ranges. We note that many lab tests have different ranges for males and females or for adults and children. We do not attempt to model this, but instead provide ranges for adults. In cases where there are different ranges for males and females, we by default use the minimum and maximum value for each sex. It is possible to specify the range that should be used in the constructor method; in this case, the default values are overriden. In very complicated cases with multiple different normal ranges, consider using the OptionColumnMapper.

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
class Thresholder:
    """A class to simplify the interpretation of thresholded values

    The class organizes the interpretation of numerical values for tests such as blood potassium. Results
    can be low, normal, or high, and there is an HPO term for each. The class also provides
    commonly used normal ranges. We note that many lab tests have different ranges for males and females or
    for adults and children. We do not attempt to model this, but instead provide ranges for adults.
    In cases where there are different ranges for males and females, we by default use the minimum and maximum
    value for each sex. It is possible to specify the range that should be used in the constructor method;
    in this case, the default values are overriden. In very complicated cases with multiple different
    normal ranges, consider using the OptionColumnMapper.



    def __init__(self, unit:str, hpo_term_low=None, hpo_term_high=None, hpo_term_abn=None, threshold_low=None, threshold_high=None):
        if hpo_term_low is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_low, HpTerm):
            raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_low argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_low)}")
        if hpo_term_high is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_high, HpTerm):
            raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_high argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_high)}")
        if hpo_term_abn is not None and not  not isinstance(hpo_term_abn, HpTerm):
            raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_abn argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_abn)}")
        self._hpo_low = hpo_term_low
        self._hpo_high = hpo_term_high
        self._hpo_term_abn = hpo_term_abn
        # The thresholds are allowed to be None but if they are given they must be numbers
        if threshold_low is not None and not isinstance(threshold_low, int) and not isinstance(threshold_low, float):
            raise ValueError(f"threshold_low argument must be integer or float but was {threshold_low}")
        if threshold_high is not None and not isinstance(threshold_high, int) and not isinstance(threshold_high, float):
            raise ValueError(f"threshold_high argument must be integer or float but was {threshold_high}")
        self._unit = unit
        self._threshold_low = self._set_threshold_to_float_or_none(threshold_low)
        self._threshold_high = self._set_threshold_to_float_or_none(threshold_high)

    def _set_threshold_to_float_or_none(self, thresh):
        """in the input file, a threshold value can be set to na or n/a. If so, we set the value to None.
        Otherwise, we convert all values to floats
        if thresh is not None:
            return float(thresh)
            return None

    def set_unit(self, unit) -> None:
        :param unit: a user-defined unit. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
        :type unit: str
        self._unit = unit

    def set_high_threshold(self, value):
        """Set a user-defined high threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
        value = float(value)
        self._threshold_high = value

    def set_low_threshold(self, value):
        """Set a user-defined low threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
        value = float(value)
        self._threshold_low = value

    def get_reference_range(self):
        return f"{self._threshold_low}-{self._threshold_high} {self._unit}"

    def _value_is_high(self, value):
        if self._threshold_high is None:
            return False
        if self._hpo_high is None:
            return False
        return self._threshold_high < value

    def _value_is_low(self, value):
        if self._threshold_low is None:
            return False
        if self._hpo_low is None:
            return False
        return self._threshold_low > value

    def _value_is_normal(self, value):
        if self._threshold_high is None or self._threshold_low is None:
            return False
        if self._hpo_term_abn is None:
            return False
        return  value >= self._threshold_low and value <= self._threshold_high

    def _non_measured_term(self):
        if self._hpo_term_abn is not None:
            return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_term_abn.label, measured=False)
        elif self._hpo_high is not None:
            return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_high.label, measured=False)
        elif self._hpo_low is not None:
            return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_low.label, measured=False)
            # should never happen
            raise ValueError("No HPO Term found for unmeasured")

    def map_value(self, cell_contents) -> HpTerm:
        if isinstance(cell_contents, str):
            contents = cell_contents.strip()
            if contents.lower() == "nan":
                return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_term_abn.label, measured=False)
        elif isinstance(cell_contents, int):
            contents = cell_contents
        elif isinstance(cell_contents, float):
            if math.isnan(cell_contents):
                return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_term_abn.label, measured=False)
            contents = cell_contents
            raise ValueError(
                f"Malformed cell contents for ThresholdedColumnMapper: {cell_contents}, type={type(cell_contents)}")
            value = float(contents)
            if self._value_is_high(value=value):
                return self._hpo_high
            elif self._value_is_low(value=value):
                return self._hpo_low
            elif self._value_is_normal(value=value):
                return HpTerm(, label=self._hpo_term_abn.label, observed=False)
                return self._non_measured_term()
        except Exception as exc:
            return self._non_measured_term()

    def _get_hpo_term_or_none(hpo_id, hpo_label):
        """It is OK if we do not have threshold terms for all three possible slots (Abnormal, High, Low)
        If we do not have a term, then we return None and the thresholder object will know what to do
        # It is OK if there is a blank cell or a cell with na
        if hpo_id is None or hpo_label is None:
            return None
        if len(hpo_id) == 0 or len(hpo_label) == 0:
            return None
        if hpo_id == 'na' or hpo_label == 'na':
            return None
        # if the hpo_id is present, it must be well formed
        if not hpo_id.startswith('HP:') or len(hpo_id) != 10:
            raise ValueError(f"Malformed HP id: \"{hpo_id}\"")
        # we should be good to go when we get here
        return HpTerm(hpo_id=hpo_id, label=hpo_label)

    def _get_threshold_or_none(thresh):
        """the threshold cell can be empty or na -- this is OK, return None
        Otherwise return a float
        if thresh is None:
            return None
        if isinstance(thresh, str):
            if len(thresh) == 0 or thresh == 'na' or thresh == "n/a":
                return None
        if isinstance(thresh, float) and math.isnan(thresh):
            return None
        return float(thresh)

    def _initialize_map():
        #current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        #thresholds_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data", "thresholds.tsv");
        df = pd.read_csv(THRESHOLDS_FILE, delimiter="\t")
        for _, row in df.iterrows():
            label = row["label"]
            hpo_abn_label  = row["hpo_abn_label"]
            hpo_abn_id  = row["hpo_abn_id"]
            hpo_low_label  = row["hpo_low_label"]
            hpo_low_id  = row["hpo_low_id"]
            hpo_high_label  = row["hpo_high_label"]
            hpo_high_id   = row["hpo_high_id"]
            # Uncomment to test whether there are format errors
            for item in [hpo_abn_label, hpo_abn_id, hpo_low_label, hpo_low_id,hpo_high_label, hpo_high_id]:
                if item.startswith(" ") or item.endswith(" "):
                    raise ValueError(f"Mqlformed HPO term: \"{item}\"")
            unit   = row["unit"]
            low  = row["low"]
            high  = row["high"]
            # Reference = row["Reference"] -- not needed here, for human consumption only
            hp_abnormal = Thresholder._get_hpo_term_or_none(hpo_id=hpo_abn_id, hpo_label=hpo_abn_label)
            hp_low = Thresholder._get_hpo_term_or_none(hpo_id=hpo_low_id, hpo_label=hpo_low_label)
            hp_high = Thresholder._get_hpo_term_or_none(hpo_id=hpo_high_id, hpo_label=hpo_high_label)
            low_thresh = Thresholder._get_threshold_or_none(low)
            high_thresh = Thresholder._get_threshold_or_none(high)
            thresh = Thresholder(unit=unit, hpo_term_abn=hp_abnormal, hpo_term_high=hp_high, hpo_term_low=hp_low, threshold_high=high_thresh, threshold_low=low_thresh)
            Thresholder.THRESHOLDER_MAP[label] = thresh

    def _get_thresholder(thresholder_label, unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        if not thresholder_label in Thresholder.THRESHOLDER_MAP:
            raise ValueError(f"Could not find thresholder object for \"{thresholder_label}\"")
        thresh = Thresholder.THRESHOLDER_MAP.get(thresholder_label)
        if unit is not None:
        if low_thresh is not None:
        if high_thresh is not None:
        return thresh

    ## Static methods for commonly used lab tests.
    ## data in data/thresholds.tsv

    def albumin_urine(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Albuminuria - Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio (uACR)
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("albumin urine", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def ALT_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """ALT blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("ALT blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def AST_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """AST blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("AST blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def alkaline_phophatase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Alkaline phosphatase in the blood circulation (U/L)
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("alkaline phosphatase blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def ALT_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """ALT_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("ALT blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def AST_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """AST_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("AST blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def calcium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Calcium in the blood circulation 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL (2.13 to 2.55 millimol/L).
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("calcium blood",unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def creatine_kinase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """CK females is 30 to 145 U/L; males 55 to 170 U/L
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("creatine kinase blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def creatinine_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Serum crea,  0.6-1.2 mg/dL in adult males and 0.5-1.1 mg/dL in adult females
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("creatinine blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def CRP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """ CRP blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("CRP blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def free_fatty_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """free fatty acid
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("free fatty acid blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def glucose_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """fasting blood glucose; 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L).
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("glucose blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def hemoglobin_A1c(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("hemoglobin A1c", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

    def HDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """HDL cholesterol blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("HDL cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def insulin_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """insulin blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("insulin blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def lactate_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Serum lactate (0.5-1 mmol/L)
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("lactate blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def LDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """LDL cholesterol blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("LDL cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def NTproBNP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """NT-proBNP < 100 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("NT-proBNP blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def sodium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Sodium in the blood circulation 135-145 mEq/L
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("sodium blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def potassium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """Serum potassium 3.5 to 5.2 mEq/L (adults)
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("potassium blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def total_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """total cholesterol blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("total cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def triglyceride_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """triglyceride blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("triglyceride blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def troponin_t_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """troponin t blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("troponin t blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

    def uric_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
        """uric acid blood
        return Thresholder._get_thresholder("uric acid blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

ALT_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

ALT_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def ALT_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """ALT_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("ALT blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

AST_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

AST_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def AST_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """AST_blood in the blood circulation (U/L)‚
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("AST blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

CRP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

CRP blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def CRP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """ CRP blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("CRP blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

HDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

HDL cholesterol blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def HDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """HDL cholesterol blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("HDL cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

LDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

LDL cholesterol blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def LDL_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """LDL cholesterol blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("LDL cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

NTproBNP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

NT-proBNP < 100 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def NTproBNP_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """NT-proBNP < 100 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("NT-proBNP blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

__init__(unit, hpo_term_low=None, hpo_term_high=None, hpo_term_abn=None, threshold_low=None, threshold_high=None)

if hpo_term_low is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_low, HpTerm): raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_low argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_low)}") if hpo_term_high is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_high, HpTerm): raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_high argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_high)}") if hpo_term_abn is not None and not not isinstance(hpo_term_abn, HpTerm): raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_abn argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_abn)}")

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def __init__(self, unit:str, hpo_term_low=None, hpo_term_high=None, hpo_term_abn=None, threshold_low=None, threshold_high=None):
    if hpo_term_low is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_low, HpTerm):
        raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_low argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_low)}")
    if hpo_term_high is not None and not isinstance(hpo_term_high, HpTerm):
        raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_high argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_high)}")
    if hpo_term_abn is not None and not  not isinstance(hpo_term_abn, HpTerm):
        raise ValueError(f"hpo_term_abn argument must be HpTerm but was {type(hpo_term_abn)}")
    self._hpo_low = hpo_term_low
    self._hpo_high = hpo_term_high
    self._hpo_term_abn = hpo_term_abn
    # The thresholds are allowed to be None but if they are given they must be numbers
    if threshold_low is not None and not isinstance(threshold_low, int) and not isinstance(threshold_low, float):
        raise ValueError(f"threshold_low argument must be integer or float but was {threshold_low}")
    if threshold_high is not None and not isinstance(threshold_high, int) and not isinstance(threshold_high, float):
        raise ValueError(f"threshold_high argument must be integer or float but was {threshold_high}")
    self._unit = unit
    self._threshold_low = self._set_threshold_to_float_or_none(threshold_low)
    self._threshold_high = self._set_threshold_to_float_or_none(threshold_high)

albumin_urine(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Albuminuria - Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio (uACR)

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def albumin_urine(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Albuminuria - Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio (uACR)
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("albumin urine", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

alkaline_phophatase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Alkaline phosphatase in the blood circulation (U/L)

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def alkaline_phophatase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Alkaline phosphatase in the blood circulation (U/L)
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("alkaline phosphatase blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

calcium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Calcium in the blood circulation 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL (2.13 to 2.55 millimol/L).

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def calcium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Calcium in the blood circulation 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL (2.13 to 2.55 millimol/L).
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("calcium blood",unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

creatine_kinase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

CK females is 30 to 145 U/L; males 55 to 170 U/L

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def creatine_kinase_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """CK females is 30 to 145 U/L; males 55 to 170 U/L
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("creatine kinase blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

creatinine_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Serum crea, 0.6-1.2 mg/dL in adult males and 0.5-1.1 mg/dL in adult females

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def creatinine_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Serum crea,  0.6-1.2 mg/dL in adult males and 0.5-1.1 mg/dL in adult females
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("creatinine blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

free_fatty_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

free fatty acid

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def free_fatty_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """free fatty acid
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("free fatty acid blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

glucose_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

fasting blood glucose; 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L).

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def glucose_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """fasting blood glucose; 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L).
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("glucose blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

hemoglobin_A1c(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod


Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def hemoglobin_A1c(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("hemoglobin A1c", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh)

insulin_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

insulin blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def insulin_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """insulin blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("insulin blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

lactate_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Serum lactate (0.5-1 mmol/L)

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def lactate_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Serum lactate (0.5-1 mmol/L)
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("lactate blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

potassium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Serum potassium 3.5 to 5.2 mEq/L (adults)

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def potassium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Serum potassium 3.5 to 5.2 mEq/L (adults)
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("potassium blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)


Set a user-defined high threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def set_high_threshold(self, value):
    """Set a user-defined high threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
    value = float(value)
    self._threshold_high = value


Set a user-defined low threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def set_low_threshold(self, value):
    """Set a user-defined low threshold value. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
    value = float(value)
    self._threshold_low = value



Name Type Description Default
unit str

a user-defined unit. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def set_unit(self, unit) -> None:
    :param unit: a user-defined unit. This can be useful, for instance, if a paper uses mg/dL instead of SI units
    :type unit: str
    self._unit = unit

sodium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

Sodium in the blood circulation 135-145 mEq/L

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def sodium_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """Sodium in the blood circulation 135-145 mEq/L
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("sodium blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

total_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

total cholesterol blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def total_cholesterol_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """total cholesterol blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("total cholesterol blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

triglyceride_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

triglyceride blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def triglyceride_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """triglyceride blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("triglyceride blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

troponin_t_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

troponin t blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def troponin_t_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """troponin t blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("troponin t blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)

uric_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None) staticmethod

uric acid blood

Source code in pyphetools/creation/
def uric_acid_blood(unit=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None):
    """uric acid blood
    return Thresholder._get_thresholder("uric acid blood", unit=unit, low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh= high_thresh)