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Source code in pyphetools/validation/
class CohortValidator:

    def __init__(self, cohort:List[Individual], ontology:hpotk.MinimalOntology, min_hpo:int,  allelic_requirement:AllelicRequirement=None) -> None:
        self._cohort = cohort
        self._ontology = ontology
        self._validated_individual_list = []
        for indi in cohort:
            vindi = ValidatedIndividual(individual=indi)
            vindi.validate(ontology=ontology, min_hpo=min_hpo, allelic_requirement=allelic_requirement)
        if len(cohort) != len(self._validated_individual_list):
            # should never happen
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid validation: size of cohort ={len(cohort)} but size of validated individual = {len(self._validated_individual_list)}")
        self._error_free_individuals = [vi.get_individual_with_clean_terms() for vi in self._validated_individual_list if not vi.has_unfixed_error()]
        self._v_individuals_with_unfixable_errors = [vi for vi in self._validated_individual_list if vi.has_unfixed_error()]

    def get_validated_individual_list(self):
        :returns: list of all individuals with QC Validation results
        :rtype: List[ValidatedIndividual]
        return self._validated_individual_list

    def get_error_free_individual_list(self) -> List[Individual]:
        Returns a list of individuals from which the erroneous and redundant termas have been removed and from which individuals with errors (e.g., not enough HPO terms) have been removed.
        :returns: List of individuals with no errors
        :rtype: List[Individual]
        return self._error_free_individuals

    def get_validated_individuals_with_unfixable_errors(self):
        Returns a list of individuals with errors that cannot be automatically fixed.
        :returns: List of individuals with unfixable errors
        :rtype: List[ValidatedIndivudal]
        return self._v_individuals_with_unfixable_errors

    def n_removed_individuals(self):
        return len(self._validated_individual_list) - len(self._error_free_individuals)

    def n_individuals(self):
        return len(self._validated_individual_list)

    def n_error_free_individuals(self):
        return len(self._error_free_individuals)

    def get_ontology(self):
        return self._ontology


Returns a list of individuals from which the erroneous and redundant termas have been removed and from which individuals with errors (e.g., not enough HPO terms) have been removed.


Type Description

List of individuals with no errors

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
def get_error_free_individual_list(self) -> List[Individual]:
    Returns a list of individuals from which the erroneous and redundant termas have been removed and from which individuals with errors (e.g., not enough HPO terms) have been removed.
    :returns: List of individuals with no errors
    :rtype: List[Individual]
    return self._error_free_individuals



Type Description

list of all individuals with QC Validation results

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
def get_validated_individual_list(self):
    :returns: list of all individuals with QC Validation results
    :rtype: List[ValidatedIndividual]
    return self._validated_individual_list


Returns a list of individuals with errors that cannot be automatically fixed.


Type Description

List of individuals with unfixable errors

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
def get_validated_individuals_with_unfixable_errors(self):
    Returns a list of individuals with errors that cannot be automatically fixed.
    :returns: List of individuals with unfixable errors
    :rtype: List[ValidatedIndivudal]
    return self._v_individuals_with_unfixable_errors