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Bases: PhenopacketValidator

Validate a list of phenopackets as to whether they have a minunum number of phenotypic features and alleles

The following example shows how to use this class to assess whether each phenopacket in the directory called "phenopackets" contains at least one variant and at least three HPO terms.

from pyphetools.visualization import PhenopacketIngestor
from pyphetools.validation import ContentValidator
ingestor = PhenopacketIngestor(indir="phenopackets")
ppkt_d = ingestor.get_phenopacket_dictionary()
ppkt_list = list(ppkt_d.values())
validator = ContentValidator(min_var=1, min_hpo=3)
errors = validator.validate_phenopacket_list(ppkt_list)
print(f"{len(errors)} errors were identified")

Note that this class does not test for all errors. Use phenopacket-tools to check for redundant or conflicting annotations.


Name Type Description Default
min_hpo int

minimum number of phenotypic features (HP terms) for this phenopacket to be considered valid

allelic_requirement AllelicRequirement

used to check number of alleles and variants

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
class ContentValidator(PhenopacketValidator):
    Validate a list of phenopackets as to whether they have a minunum number of phenotypic features and alleles

    The following example shows how to use this class to assess whether each phenopacket in the directory called "phenopackets" contains at least one variant and at least three HPO terms.

        from pyphetools.visualization import PhenopacketIngestor
        from pyphetools.validation import ContentValidator
        ingestor = PhenopacketIngestor(indir="phenopackets")
        ppkt_d = ingestor.get_phenopacket_dictionary()
        ppkt_list = list(ppkt_d.values())
        validator = ContentValidator(min_var=1, min_hpo=3)
        errors = validator.validate_phenopacket_list(ppkt_list)
        print(f"{len(errors)} errors were identified")

    Note that this class does not test for all errors. Use phenopacket-tools to check for redundant or conflicting

    :param min_hpo: minimum number of phenotypic features (HP terms) for this phenopacket to be considered valid
    :type min_hpo: int
    :param allelic_requirement: used to check number of alleles and variants
    :type allelic_requirement: AllelicRequirement
    def __init__(self, min_hpo: int, allelic_requirement: AllelicRequirement = None, minimum_disease_count:int=1) -> None:
        self._min_hpo = min_hpo
        self._allelic_requirement = allelic_requirement
        self._minimum_disease_count = minimum_disease_count

    def validate_individual(self, individual:Individual) -> List[ValidationResult]:
        check a single Individual as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants
        :returns: a potential empty list of validations
        :rtype: List[ValidationResult]
        n_pf = len(individual.hpo_terms)
        n_var = 0
        n_alleles = 0
        pp_id = individual.get_phenopacket_id()
        for variant_interpretation in individual.interpretation_list:
            n_var += 1
            if variant_interpretation.variation_descriptor is not None:
                vdesc =  variant_interpretation.variation_descriptor
                if vdesc.allelic_state is not None:
                    gtype = vdesc.allelic_state
                    if gtype.label == "heterozygous": # "GENO:0000135"
                        n_alleles += 1
                    elif gtype.label == "homozygous": # "GENO:0000136"
                        n_alleles += 2
                    elif gtype.label == "hemizygous": # "GENO:0000134"
                        n_alleles += 1
        disease_count =  individual.disease_count()
        return self._validate(pp_id=pp_id, n_hpo=n_pf, disease_count=disease_count, n_var=n_var, n_alleles=n_alleles)

    def validate_phenopacket(self, phenopacket) -> List[ValidationResult]:
        check a single phenopacket as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants
        :returns: a potential empty list of validations
        :rtype: List[ValidationResult]
        if isinstance(phenopacket, str):
            # the user passed a file
            if not os.path.isfile(phenopacket):
                raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find phenopacket file at '{phenopacket}'")
            with open(phenopacket) as f:
                data =
                jsondata = json.loads(data)
                phpacket = Parse(json.dumps(jsondata), phenopackets.Phenopacket())
        elif isinstance(phenopacket, phenopackets.Phenopacket):
            phpacket = phenopacket
            raise ValueError(f"phenopacket argument must be file path or GA4GH Phenopacket \
                object but was {type(phenopacket)}")
        pp_id =
        n_pf = len(phpacket.phenotypic_features)
        if phpacket.interpretations is None:
            n_var = 0
            n_alleles = 0
            n_var = 0
            n_alleles = 0
            for interpretation in phpacket.interpretations:
                if interpretation.diagnosis is not None:
                    dx = interpretation.diagnosis
                    for genomic_interpretation in dx.genomic_interpretations:
                        n_var += 1
                        vint = genomic_interpretation.variant_interpretation
                        if vint.variation_descriptor is not None:
                            vdesc =   vint.variation_descriptor
                            if vdesc.allelic_state is not None:
                                gtype = vdesc.allelic_state
                                if gtype.label == "heterozygous": # "GENO:0000135"
                                    n_alleles += 1
                                elif gtype.label == "homozygous": # "GENO:0000136"
                                    n_alleles += 2
                                elif gtype.label == "hemizygous": # "GENO:0000134"
                                    n_alleles += 1
        disease_count = len(phenopacket.diseases)
        return self._validate(pp_id=pp_id, n_hpo=n_pf, disease_count=disease_count, n_var=n_var, n_alleles=n_alleles)

    def _validate(self, pp_id:str, n_hpo:int, disease_count:int, n_var:int=None, n_alleles:int=None):
        private method called by validate_individual or validate_phenopacket.
        :param pp_id: phenopacket identifier
        :type pp_id: str
        :param n_hpo: Number of HPO terms
        :type n_hpo: int
        :param n_var: Number of variants found
        :type n_var: Optional[int]
        :param n_alleles: Number of alleles found
        :type n_alleles: Optional[int]
        validation_results = []
        if n_hpo < self._min_hpo:
            validation_results.append(ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).insufficient_hpos(min_hpo=self._min_hpo, n_hpo=n_hpo).build())
        if disease_count < self._minimum_disease_count:
            val_result = ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).insufficient_disease_count(disease_count, self._minimum_disease_count).build()
        if self._allelic_requirement is None:
            return validation_results
        if self._allelic_requirement == AllelicRequirement.MONO_ALLELIC:
            if n_var != 1:
                val_result = ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).incorrect_variant_count(self._allelic_requirement, n_var).build()
            if n_alleles != 1:
                val_result = ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).incorrect_allele_count(self._allelic_requirement, n_alleles).build()
        elif self._allelic_requirement == AllelicRequirement.BI_ALLELIC:
            if n_var < 1 or n_var > 2:
                msg = f"Expected one or two variant for biallelic but got {n_var} variants"
                val_result = ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).incorrect_variant_count(self._allelic_requirement, n_var).build()
            if n_alleles != 2:
                val_result = ValidationResultBuilder(phenopacket_id=pp_id).incorrect_allele_count(self._allelic_requirement, n_alleles).build()
        return validation_results


check a single Individual as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants


Type Description

a potential empty list of validations

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
def validate_individual(self, individual:Individual) -> List[ValidationResult]:
    check a single Individual as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants
    :returns: a potential empty list of validations
    :rtype: List[ValidationResult]
    n_pf = len(individual.hpo_terms)
    n_var = 0
    n_alleles = 0
    pp_id = individual.get_phenopacket_id()
    for variant_interpretation in individual.interpretation_list:
        n_var += 1
        if variant_interpretation.variation_descriptor is not None:
            vdesc =  variant_interpretation.variation_descriptor
            if vdesc.allelic_state is not None:
                gtype = vdesc.allelic_state
                if gtype.label == "heterozygous": # "GENO:0000135"
                    n_alleles += 1
                elif gtype.label == "homozygous": # "GENO:0000136"
                    n_alleles += 2
                elif gtype.label == "hemizygous": # "GENO:0000134"
                    n_alleles += 1
    disease_count =  individual.disease_count()
    return self._validate(pp_id=pp_id, n_hpo=n_pf, disease_count=disease_count, n_var=n_var, n_alleles=n_alleles)


check a single phenopacket as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants


Type Description

a potential empty list of validations

Source code in pyphetools/validation/
def validate_phenopacket(self, phenopacket) -> List[ValidationResult]:
    check a single phenopacket as to whether there are sufficient HPO terms and alleles/variants
    :returns: a potential empty list of validations
    :rtype: List[ValidationResult]
    if isinstance(phenopacket, str):
        # the user passed a file
        if not os.path.isfile(phenopacket):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find phenopacket file at '{phenopacket}'")
        with open(phenopacket) as f:
            data =
            jsondata = json.loads(data)
            phpacket = Parse(json.dumps(jsondata), phenopackets.Phenopacket())
    elif isinstance(phenopacket, phenopackets.Phenopacket):
        phpacket = phenopacket
        raise ValueError(f"phenopacket argument must be file path or GA4GH Phenopacket \
            object but was {type(phenopacket)}")
    pp_id =
    n_pf = len(phpacket.phenotypic_features)
    if phpacket.interpretations is None:
        n_var = 0
        n_alleles = 0
        n_var = 0
        n_alleles = 0
        for interpretation in phpacket.interpretations:
            if interpretation.diagnosis is not None:
                dx = interpretation.diagnosis
                for genomic_interpretation in dx.genomic_interpretations:
                    n_var += 1
                    vint = genomic_interpretation.variant_interpretation
                    if vint.variation_descriptor is not None:
                        vdesc =   vint.variation_descriptor
                        if vdesc.allelic_state is not None:
                            gtype = vdesc.allelic_state
                            if gtype.label == "heterozygous": # "GENO:0000135"
                                n_alleles += 1
                            elif gtype.label == "homozygous": # "GENO:0000136"
                                n_alleles += 2
                            elif gtype.label == "hemizygous": # "GENO:0000134"
                                n_alleles += 1
    disease_count = len(phenopacket.diseases)
    return self._validate(pp_id=pp_id, n_hpo=n_pf, disease_count=disease_count, n_var=n_var, n_alleles=n_alleles)