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HPOA Editing

The HPO team creates one HPOA file for each annotated disease. We are in the process of converting our entire annotation pipeline to be based on phenopackets, and we would like to generate the HPOA files from collections of phenopackets (because essentially all existing HPO-based software uses the file phenotype.hpoa, which is generated from the individual HPOA files).

This document explains how to create HPOA files. Several examples are available on the phenopacket-store website, including:

Input data

HPOA files can be generated from a collection of phenopackets. Each phenopacket should describe an individual with the same disease (identical OMIM, ORPHA, or MONDO identifier). If you are starting from a directory with a collection of phenopackets (JSON files), then ingest the files as follows.

Importing phenopackets from JSON files
from pyphetools.visualization import *
ingestor = PhenopacketIngestor(indir="phenopackets")
ppkt_d = ingestor.get_phenopacket_dictionary()
ppkt_list = list(ppkt_d.values())

If you are starting with pyphetools Individual objects, then create phenopackets as follows (note: you will need to have created a pyphetools MetaData object to create the individual list).

Importing phenopackets from pyphetools Individual objects
ppkt_list = [i.to_ga4gh_phenopacket(metadata=metadata) for i in individuals]

We recommend that you use the quality control and visualization facilities offered by pyphetools before continuing. See validation.

HPOA Table Builder

The builder object can be used to create the HPOA annotations. There are two ways to initialized the builder.

Initializing the builder from a phenopacket list
builder = HpoaTableBuilder(phenopacket_list=ppkt_list)
It is also possible to create a builder object by providing the path to the directory of phenopackets.
Initializing the builder from from JSON files
builder = HpoaTableBuilder(indir="phenopackets")

Mode of inheritance

In the HPOA annotation model, we regard the mode of inheritance as certain knoweldge that does not receive a frequency or does not need to be specified for each publication (exception: rare diseases with multiple modes of inheritance). In this case, the disease is listed as autosomal dominant in OMIM and in both publications. We curate this using one of the PMIDs (generally, the first to report the disease) as follows.

specifying mode of inheritance
PMID = "PMID:123" # enter the PMID of an article that specificies the mode of inheritance.

Visualizing the annotations

We can bow build the table creator and retrieve the pandas dataframe with all of the annotations.

building the table creator
hpoa_table_creator =
df = hpoa_table_creator.get_dataframe()

This produces a table like this:

Validation results

Validation Results.

Saving to file

We save the HPOA files for each disease with file names such as The can be done with the following command

writing the HPO file

This file should then be merged with the HPOA repository (task for the HPO team).

