Using pyphetools in a Jupyter notebook
This page provides an overview of how to structure a Jupyter notebook to import tabular data. We recommend importing data for one disease at a time.
Importing necessary packages
Most notebooks will want to first import all necessary packages. It is helpful to print out the version used (see the last two lines) in case of errors or feature requests. Sometimes, additional packages need to be imported to support special cases.
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) # show entire column contents, important!
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from pyphetools.creation import *
from pyphetools.validation import *
from pyphetools.visualization import *
import pyphetools
print(f"pyphetools version {pyphetools.__version__}")
Import the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) file
It is useful to import the HPO file and create the MetaData
(which records your ORCID <>
_ id and the version of the HPO used) in one step.
The following code first creates a Citation
object with data about the PubMed identifier and title of the paper
we are curating.
It then imports the HPO (which in this example has been previously downloaded and stored at the file location ../hp.json
). Note
that the hp.json file can be downloaded from many places including the HPO Homepage.
We recommend always using the latest version. The code then initializes the HPO concept recognizer (i.e., text-mining) object, the ontology object,
and the MetaData object (see the
GA4GH phenopackets documentation for more details on MetaData).
PMID = "PMID:36189931"
title = "Comprehensive genetic screening for vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome through an amplification-based next-generation sequencing system"
cite = Citation(pmid=PMID, title=title)
parser = HpoParser(hpo_json_file="../hp.json")
hpo_cr = parser.get_hpo_concept_recognizer()
hpo_version = parser.get_version()
hpo_ontology = parser.get_ontology()
metadata = MetaData(created_by="ORCID:0000-0002-5648-2155", citation=cite)
print(f"HPO version {hpo_version}")
Note that if you leave the argument of HpoParser empty, the class will download the latest version of HPO automatically. Depending on the settings of your system, this may lead to an SSL certificate error, which can be addressed by adding the following two lines to the top of the cell
Importing the data
In general, we have taken the input data from Excel files or from CSV (command-separated value) files or TSV (tab-separated value files). Excel files can be imported using the following pandas command.
Standard pandas functions are available to read CSV and TSV files. We refer to the pandas documentation for more details.
Inspecting the input data
Users will need to carefully inspect the input table (e.g. a Supplemental file) and determine which columns or rows contain the individual id, age, and sex, the variants, and clinical information that can be encoded using HPO terms. We recommand inspecting the first several rows using
It is also useful to look at the column names.
Clinical columns
pyphetools expects to get a dictionary whose keys correspond to the column names used by the pandas DataFrame, and the values are the corresponding ColumnMapper objects. pyphetools offers different types of ColumnMapper objects, whose goal is to encode the id, age, sex, variants, and clinical information encoded by HPO terms. We first create a dictionary whose keys should be the names (strings) of the columns of the table and whose values are the corresponding ColumnMapper objects that we need to create for each column we want to map. Note that it is not necessary to map each column of a table.
Data with clinical columns in typical supplemental files often have one of several formats.
- Simple. The column header is a string such as 'ID' that corresponds to an HPO term, for instance Intellectual disability HP:0001249, whereby each cell has a symbol such as
'Y', 'y', '+', 'yes', ''n', '-', etc. to indicate whether the feature was present in the individual specified by the row. See :ref:
for more information about how to work with this kind of column. - Options. Some columns contain several strings, each of which corresponds to a specific HPO term. For instance, a columns such as 'severity of ID' with entries such as
would correspond to HPO terms forIntellectual disability, mild HP:0001256 <>
_, etc. See :ref:option_column_mapper
for more information about how to work with this kind of column. - Constant. This mapper can be used if all individuals diusplay the same feature. See :ref:
. - Threshold. This can be used for columns that have numerical data whereby being above or below a certain threshold is abnormal. See :ref:
Row-based vs column-based
pyphetools expects the rows to represent individuals. In some cases, input files represent individuals in columns. In this case, it is necessary to transpose the table before working with pyphetools.
Converting to row-based format
To use pyphetools, we need to have the individuals represented as rows (one row per individual) and have the items of interest be encoded as column names. The required transformations for doing this may be different for different input data, but often we will want to transpose the table (using the pandas transpose function) and set the column names of the new table to the zero-th row. After this, we drop the zero-th row (otherwise, it will be interpreted as an individual by the pyphetools code).
Here is an example. Other examples can be found in several of the notebooks in phenopacket-store.
dft = df.transpose()
dft.columns = dft.iloc[0]
dft.drop(dft.index[0], inplace=True)
Another thing to look out for is whether the individuals (usually the first column) are regarded as the index of the table or as the first normal column. If this is the case, it is easiest to create a new column with the contents of the index -- this will work with the pyphetools software. An example follows -- we can now use 'patient_id' as the column name. It is easier to work with this than with the index column.
dft.index # first check the index
dft['patient_id'] = dft.index # Set the new column 'patient_id' to be identical to the contents of the index
dft.head() # check the transposed table
After this step is completed, the remaining steps to create phenopackets are the same as in the row-based notebook.
Mapping the data
Unfortunately, tabular data as it is currently available is so hetgerogeneous, that it is difficult to provide a simple step-for-step recipe for how to use pyphetools to encode it. The basic steps are to choose a column mapper type for each of the phenotype columns in the table, and to use age, sex, and variant column mappers for these types.
- HPO (phenotype) column mapper types
- Variants: variant column mapper
- Age of onset and age at last examination: TODO
- Sex column mapper: TODO
We recommend studying available notebooks in the phenopacket-store to get an idea of how to combine the column mappers for several examples.
Cohort encoder
The CohortEncoder class was designed to work with the above column mappers. It can be setup as follows.
encoder = CohortEncoder(df=df,
and age_at_last_encounter_mapper
arguments can be omitted if this information is not available.
Specify the disease
pyphetools requires a disease identifier and label, as follows.
vEDS = Disease(disease_id='OMIM:130050', disease_label='Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, vascular type')
Now we can retrieve the Individual objects and do Q/C
individuals = encoder.get_individuals()
cvalidator = CohortValidator(cohort=individuals, ontology=hpo_ontology, min_hpo=1, allelic_requirement=AllelicRequirement.MONO_ALLELIC)
qc = QcVisualizer(cohort_validator=cvalidator)
This step will show warnings that can generally be ignored (e.g., the redundant terms were removed). If there are serious errors, a message will be shown, and the user will need to fix the errors before going on.
Summaries of the phenopackets
The following commands display a table with a summary of each phenopacket created.
individuals = cvalidator.get_error_free_individual_list()
table = PhenopacketTable(individual_list=individuals, metadata=metadata)
Saving phenopackets to file
The following command writes each phenopacket as a JSON file to the directory phenopackets
(other directory names can be chosen).
HPOA files
To create the HPOA files used to create the phenotype.hpoa by the HPO team, adapt the following code. Note that this code is slightly different to the code used with the Excel template to build HPOA files.
Please see HPOA files.