import abc
import bisect
import enum
import typing
from typing import Iterator
import numpy as np
from ._base import SampleLabels
class Genotype(enum.Enum):
`Genotype` represents state of a variable locus in a diploid genome.
NO_CALL = ('.',)
def __init__(self, code: str):
self._code = code
def code(self) -> str:
return self._code
def __str__(self):
return self.code
class Genotypes(typing.Sized, typing.Iterable):
`Genotypes` is a container for mapping between sample ID and its genotype.
Let's consider a pair of samples:
>>> a = SampleLabels('A')
>>> b = SampleLabels('B')
We can use one of the static methods to create an instance. Either a single genotype:
>>> gt = Genotypes.single(a, Genotype.HETEROZYGOUS)
or genotypes of several samples:
>>> gts = Genotypes.from_mapping({a: Genotype.HETEROZYGOUS, b: Genotype.HOMOZYGOUS_ALTERNATE})
There are 2 genotypes in the container:
>>> len(gts)
You can get a genotype for a sample ID:
>>> g = gts.for_sample(a)
>>> g.code
You will get `None` if the sample is not present:
>>> gts.for_sample(SampleLabels('UNKNOWN'))
You can iterate over sample-genotype pairs:
>>> for sample_id, genotype in gts:
... print(sample_id, genotype)
A 0/1
B 1/1
def empty() -> "Genotypes":
return EMPTY
def single(sample_id: SampleLabels, genotype: Genotype) -> "Genotypes":
A shortcut for creating `Genotypes` for a single sample:
>>> a = SampleLabels('A')
>>> gts = Genotypes.single(a, Genotype.HOMOZYGOUS_ALTERNATE)
>>> assert len(gts) == 1
>>> assert gts.for_sample(a) == Genotype.HOMOZYGOUS_ALTERNATE
return Genotypes((sample_id,), (genotype,))
def from_mapping(mapping: typing.Mapping[SampleLabels, Genotype]) -> "Genotypes":
Create `Genotypes` from mapping between sample IDs and genotypes.
>>> a = SampleLabels('A')
>>> b = SampleLabels('B')
>>> gts = Genotypes.from_mapping({a: Genotype.HETEROZYGOUS, b: Genotype.HOMOZYGOUS_ALTERNATE})
>>> assert len(gts) == 2
return Genotypes(*Genotypes._preprocess_mapping(mapping))
def _preprocess_mapping(genotypes: typing.Mapping[SampleLabels, Genotype]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Sequence[str], typing.Sequence[Genotype]]:
samples = np.empty(shape=(len(genotypes),), dtype=object)
gts = np.empty(shape=(len(genotypes),), dtype=object)
for i, (sample, gt) in enumerate(genotypes.items()):
samples[i] = sample
gts[i] = gt
indices = np.argsort(samples)
return tuple(samples[indices]), tuple(gts[indices])
def __init__(self, samples: typing.Iterable[SampleLabels], genotypes: typing.Iterable[Genotype]):
self._samples = tuple(samples)
self._gts = tuple(genotypes)
if len(self._samples) != len(self._gts):
raise ValueError(f'Mismatch between the sample and genotype count: {len(self._samples)} != {len(self._gts)}')
def for_sample(self, sample_id: SampleLabels) -> typing.Optional[Genotype]:
Get a genotype for a sample or `None` if the genotype is not present.
:param sample_id: a :class:`SampleLabels` with sample's identifier.
idx = bisect.bisect_left(self._samples, sample_id)
if idx != len(self._samples) and self._samples[idx] == sample_id:
return self._gts[idx]
return None
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._samples)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[typing.Tuple[SampleLabels, Genotype]]:
return zip(self._samples, self._gts)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._samples, self._gts))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Genotypes)
and self._samples == other._samples
and self._gts == other._gts)
def __str__(self):
return f'Genotypes({["{}={}".format(sid, gt) for sid, gt in zip(self._samples, self._gts)]})'
def __repr__(self):
return f'Genotypes(samples={self._samples}, genotypes={self._gts})'
EMPTY = Genotypes((), ())
class Genotyped(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
`Genotyped` entities
def genotypes(self) -> Genotypes:
def genotype_for_sample(self, sample_id: SampleLabels) -> typing.Optional[Genotype]:
Get a genotype for a sample or `None` if the genotype is not present.
:param sample_id: a :class:`SampleLabels` with sample's identifier.
return self.genotypes.for_sample(sample_id)