Exomiser |
A tool for finding potential disease-causing variants in whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing data. |
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Monarch Knowledge Graph & Services |
Integrates gene, disease, and phenotype data across species. |
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Monarch App |
A web application for exploring the Monarch Knowledge Graph. |
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Monarch API |
The Monarch API is used to access information from the Monarch Knowledge Graph programmatically. |
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Ontology Development Kit (ODK) |
A toolkit and workflow system for managing the ontology life-cycle. |
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Ontology Access Kit (OAK) |
A python toolkit for accessing and visualising ontologies. |
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SSSOM Toolkit |
A python toolkit for processing SSSOM mapping files. |
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LIkelihood Ratio Interpretation of Clinical AbnormaLities (LIRICAL) |
LIkelihood Ratio Interpretation of Clinical AbnormaLities performs phenotype-driven prioritization of candidate diseases and genes in the setting of genomic diagnostics. |
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PhEval |
PhEval is a Python package for evaluating phenotype-powered variant prioritisation systems such as Exomiser. |
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obographviz |
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robot |
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OntoGPT |
OntoGPT is a Python package for extracting structured information from text with large language models (LLMs), instruction prompts, and ontology-based grounding. |
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TALISMAN is a Python package for summarizing gene set functions using large language models (LLMs). |
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CurateGPT |
AI Assisted Ontology Curation. |
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Monarch Python Toolkit |
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Babelon Toolkit |
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Fenominal |
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Koza |
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LinkML |
The Linked Data Modeling Language (LinkML) is a flexible modeling language that allows you to author schemas (models) in YAML that describe the structure of your data. |
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Monarch Ingest |
The Monarch Ingest pulls in data from a wide variety of biomedical data sources and generates Biolink-compliant KGX files that are used to build the Monarch KG. |
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Monarch Mapping Commons |
SSSOM Mappings collected and curated by the Monarch Initiative. |
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HPO Language Translations |
Infrastructure to collect and coordinate HPO language translations. |
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Phenomizer |
A web application for clinical diagnostics in human genetics using semantic similarity searches in ontologies. |
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Phenogrid |
Phenogrid is a web component that visualizes semantic similarity calculations provided by OWLSim, as provided through APIs from the Monarch Initiative. |
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monarchr |
R package for easy access, manipulation, and analysis of the Monarch Initiative or other KGX-formatted knowledge graphs. |
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Phenomics Assistant |
An LLM retrieval augmented generation (RAG) agent for Monarch Initiative. |
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pheval.llm |
LLM Benchmarking in differential diagnostics. |
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phenopacket2prompt |
Creation of prompts from phenopackets, in multiple languages, intended for prompting LLMs. |
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AutoMAxO |
Streamline the creation of ontology annotations of MAxO via LLMs. |
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pheval.exomiser |
Exomiser plugin for PhEval. |
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pheval.ai_marrvel |
A PhEval plugin for integrating AI-MARRVEL, enabling variant prioritisation based on phenotypic data in a standardised pipeline |
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pheval.phen2gene |
A PhEval plugin for integrating Phen2Gene, enabling gene prioritisation based on phenotypic data in a standardised pipeline. |
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pheval.gado |
A PhEval plugin for integrating GADO, enabling gene prioritisation based on phenotypic data in a standardised pipeline. |
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pheval.svanna |
A PhEval plugin for integrating SvAnna, enabling structural variant prioritisation in a standardised pipeline. |
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pheval.lirical |
A PhEval plugin integrating LIRICAL for efficient phenotype and variant prioritisation in a standardised pipeline. |
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pheval.phenogenius |
A PhEval plugin for integrating PhenoGenius, enabling gene prioritisation based on phenotypic data in a standardised pipeline. |
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phenotype2phenopacket |
Phenotype2Phenopacket is a command-line tool that converts a phenotype annotation into GA4GH Phenopackets, facilitating standardised phenotypic data representation. |
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