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monarch-py can be used via command line, or as a Python module.



monarch-py can be used to query various implementations of the Monarch knowledge graph.
The default, and more feature-rich, implementation is Solr, and is the default.

Subcommands are available to specify the backend.

For example:

# The following two commands are equivalent,
# as both query the Solr KG
$ monarch entity MONDO:0012933 
$ monarch solr entity MONDO:0012933

# Whereas the following specifies the SQL implementation
$ monarch sql entity MONDO:0012933

You can also use an environment variable to specify a Solr URL to query a different Solr instance.
monarch-py checks for the MONARCH_SOLR_URL environment variable, and uses it if it exists.
If not, it uses the default Solr URL of http://localhost:8983/solr.


CLI commands are listed here, or can be found by running monarch --help.
