Groups Predicate

Sometimes, all we want is to compare if there is a difference between individuals who include one or more alleles of variant X vs. individuals with variants Y, vs. individuals with variants Z, where X, Y and Z are variant predicates. We can do this with a groups predicate.

The groups_predicate() takes n variant predicates and n group labels, and it will assign the patients into the respective groups if one or more matching allele is found. However, only one predicate is allowed to return a non-zero allele count. Otherwise, the patient is assigned with None and excluded from the analysis.


Here we show how to build a GenotypePolyPredicate for testing if the individual has at least one missense vs. frameshift vs. synonymous variant.

>>> from gpsea.model import VariantEffect
>>> from gpsea.analysis.predicate.genotype import VariantPredicates, groups_predicate
>>> tx_id = 'NM_1234.5'
>>> gt_predicate = groups_predicate(
...     predicates=(
...         VariantPredicates.variant_effect(VariantEffect.MISSENSE_VARIANT, tx_id),
...         VariantPredicates.variant_effect(VariantEffect.FRAMESHIFT_VARIANT, tx_id),
...         VariantPredicates.variant_effect(VariantEffect.SYNONYMOUS_VARIANT, tx_id),
...     ),
...     group_names=('Missense', 'Frameshift', 'Synonymous'),
... )
>>> gt_predicate.display_question()
'Genotype group: Missense, Frameshift, Synonymous'