Multiple-testing correction


A p-value is the probability that a test result, under the null hypothesis, assumes the observed or a more extreme value. It is important to realize that if we perform many tests, we are likely to get a “significant” result by chance alone. For instance, if we test a null hypothesis that is true using a significance level of \(\alpha = 0.05\), then there is a probability of \(1-\alpha = 0.95\) of arriving at a correct conclusion of non-significance. If we now test two independent true null hypotheses, the probability that neither test is significant is \(0.95\times 0.95 = 0.90.\) If we test 20 independent null hypotheses, the probability that none will be significant is then \((0.95)^{20}=0.36\). This corresponds to a probability of \(1-0.36=0.64\) of getting at least one spurious significant result, and the expected number of spurious significant results in 20 tests is \(20\times 0.05=1\). If we perform 100 such tests, the probability that none will be significant is \((0.95)^{100}=0.01\) and there is a 99% probability of getting at least one significant result.

Implementation in GPSEA

By default, GPSEA performs a hypothesis test for each HPO term found at least twice in the cohort, meaning that we may perform up to hundreds of tests. Therefore, unless we take into account the fact that multiple statistical tests are being performed, it is likely that we will obtain one or more false-positive results.

GPSEA offers two approaches to mitigate this problem: multiple-testing correction (MTC) procedures and MT filters to choose the terms to be tested.

Multiple-testing correction procedures

A number of MTC procedures have been developed to limit the probability of false-positive results. The MTC procedures differ in complexity, in their assumptions about the data, and in the type of control they provide.

The GPSEA package uses the Python package statsmodels to implement MTC. See the documentation for details; the following table shows allowable options.

MTC procedure



















The oldest and simplest MTC procedure is the Bonferroni correction (bonferroni). The Bonferroni procedure thus provides control of the family-wise error rate (FWER), which is the probability of at least one Type I error. The Bonferroni method multiplies the p-value returned by each test (which is call the nominal p-value) by the number of tests performed (the result is capped at 1.0).

Alternatively, procedures that control the false-discovery rate (FDR), limit the proportion of significant results that are type I errors (false discoveries). The Benjamini and Hochberg method (fdr_bh) is probably the most commonly used one. This is the default method in GPSEA.

To set an alternative MTC procedure, we use the mtc_correction option when creating an instance of HpoTermAnalysis:

>>> from gpsea.analysis.mtc_filter import UseAllTermsMtcFilter
>>> from gpsea.analysis.pcats import HpoTermAnalysis
>>> from gpsea.analysis.pcats.stats import FisherExactTest
>>> analysis = HpoTermAnalysis(
...     count_statistic=FisherExactTest(),
...     mtc_filter=UseAllTermsMtcFilter(),
...     mtc_correction='bonferroni',  #      <--- The MTC correction setup
... )

MT filters: Choosing which terms to test

We can reduce the overall MTC burden by choosing which terms to test. For example, if we choose to test only ten terms out of 450, then the mutliplication factor of the Bonferroni correction is only 10 instead of 450, and more p-values may “survive” the multiple-testing correction.

In the context of GPSEA, we represent the concept of phenotype filtering by PhenotypeMtcFilter. We provide three filtering strategies, each of which is a subclass of PhenotypeMtcFilter and can, therefore, be used as a component of HpoTermAnalysis, as shown in Custom analysis.

There are three phenotype MT filters:

  • Use all terms

  • Specified terms

  • HPO MT filter

Use all terms

The first MT filtering strategy is the simplest - it does not apply any filtering, resulting in testing all terms. We do not recommend this strategy, but it can be used to disable MT filtering.

The strategy is implemented in UseAllTermsMtcFilter.

>>> from gpsea.analysis.mtc_filter import UseAllTermsMtcFilter
>>> use_all = UseAllTermsMtcFilter()

Specified terms

In presence of a specific hypothesis as to which terms may be different between groups, then you can specify these terms in SpecifiedTermsMtcFilter.

For example if we want to specifically test Abnormal putamen morphology (HP:0031982) and Abnormal caudate nucleus morphology (HP:0002339) we pass an iterable (e.g. a tuple) with these two terms as an argument:

>>> from gpsea.analysis.mtc_filter import SpecifiedTermsMtcFilter
>>> specified_terms = SpecifiedTermsMtcFilter(
...     terms_to_test=(
...         "HP:0031982",  # Abnormal putamen morphology
...         "HP:0002339",  # Abnormal caudate nucleus morphology
...     )
... )
>>> len(specified_terms.terms_to_test)

Independent filtering for HPO

Independent filtering for HPO involves making several domain judgments and taking advantage of the HPO structure in order to reduce the number of HPO terms for testing. The filter’s logic is made up of 6 individual heuristics to skip testing the terms that are unlikely to yield significant or interesting results (see below).

Some of the heuristics need to access HPO hierarchy, so let’s load HPO

>>> import hpotk
>>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store()
>>> hpo = store.load_minimal_hpo(release='v2024-07-01')

and let’s create the IfHpoFilter class using the static constructor default_filter():

>>> from gpsea.analysis.mtc_filter import IfHpoFilter
>>> hpo_mtc = IfHpoFilter.default_filter(hpo=hpo)

The constructor takes HPO and one threshold (optional). See the API documentation and the explanations below for more details.

Skip terms if all counts are identical to counts for a child term

Let’s say a term such as Posterior polar cataract (HP:0001115) was observed in 7 of 11 individuals with MISSENSE variants and in 3 of 8 individuals with NONSENSE variants. If we find the same patient counts (7 of 11 and 3 of 8) in the parent term Polar cataract HP:0010696, then we choose to not test the parent term.

This is because the more specific an HPO term is, the more information it has (the more interesting the correlation would be if it exists), and the result of a test, such as the Fisher Exact test, would be exactly the same for Polar cataract as for Posterior polar cataract.

Skip term if one of the genotype groups has neither observed nor excluded observations

Skip terms if there are no HPO observations in a group.

Skip term if underpowered for 2x2 or 2x3 analysis

If the individuals are binned into 2 phenotype groups and 2 genotype groups (2x2) and the total count of patients in all genotype-phenotype groups is less than 7, or into 2 phenotype groups and 3 genotype groups (2x3) and the total count of patients is less than 6, then there is a lack even of the nominal statistical power and the counts can never be significant.

Skipping terms that are not descendents of Phenotypic abnormality

The HPO has a number of other branches that describe modes of inheritance, past medical history, and clinical modifiers. We do not think it makes much sense to test for enrichment of these terms, so, all terms that are not descendants of Phenotypic abnormality are filtered out.

Skipping “general” level terms

All the direct children of the root phenotype term Phenotypic abnormality (HP:0000118) are skipped, because of the assumption that if there is a valid signal, it will derive from one of the more specific descendents.

For instance, Abnormality of the nervous system (HP:0000707) is a child of Phenotypic abnormality, and this assumption implies that if there is a signal from the nervous system, it will lead to at least one of the descendents of Abnormality of the nervous system being significant.

See General HPO terms section for details.

Skipping terms that are rare on the cohort level

We skip terms that occur in less than a certain percentage of cohort members. The purpose of this threshold is to omit terms for which we simply do not have much data overall.

For instance, if the cohort consists of 100 individuals, and we have explicit observed observations for 20 and excluded for 10 individuals, then the annotation frequency is 0.3.

The threshold is set as annotation_frequency_threshold option of the default_filter() constructor, with the default value of 0.4 (40%).