Survival analysis

Example analysis

We will analyze the time until end stage renal disease in 207 individuals with mutations in UMOD. Specifically, we will test for difference between the onset of the end stage renal disease in the individuals with mutation in exon 3 of UMOD vs. individuals with other UMOD mutation.

Load cohort

For the purpose of this analysis, we will load the Cohort from a JSON file. The cohort was prepared from phenopackets as described in Create a cohort section, and then serialized as a JSON file following the instructions in Persist the cohort for later section.

>>> import json
>>> from import GpseaJSONDecoder
>>> fpath_cohort_json = 'docs/cohort-data/UMOD.0.1.20.json'
>>> with open(fpath_cohort_json) as fh:
...     cohort = json.load(fh, cls=GpseaJSONDecoder)
>>> len(cohort)

Configure analysis

MANE transcript of UMOD.

>>> tx_id = 'NM_003361.4'

Genotype classifier

One allele of exon 3 vs. one allele of elsewhere.

>>> from gpsea.analysis.predicate import exon
>>> is_in_exon3 = exon(exon=3, tx_id=tx_id)
>>> is_in_exon3.description
'overlaps with exon 3 of NM_003361.4'

Monoallelic classifier to compare one allele of UMOD exon 3 variant versus one allele of other UMOD variant:

>>> from gpsea.analysis.clf import monoallelic_classifier
>>> gt_clf = monoallelic_classifier(
...     a_predicate=is_in_exon3,
...     b_predicate=~is_in_exon3,
...     a_label="Exon 3", b_label="Other",
... )
>>> gt_clf.class_labels
('Exon 3', 'Other')

Survival endpoint

The endpoint of our study is defined as development of end stage renal disease. In the UMOD cohort, this is encoded with Stage 5 chronic kidney disease (HP:0003774) HPO term. We need to leverage the HPO hierarchy when computing the onset of an HPO term. Let’s load HPO:

>>> import hpotk
>>> store = hpotk.configure_ontology_store()
>>> hpo = store.load_minimal_hpo(release='v2024-07-01')

and now we can create an Endpoint to compute the time until an individual develops end stage renal disease:

>>> from gpsea.analysis.temporal.endpoint import hpo_onset
>>> term_id = "HP:0003774"  # Stage 5 chronic kidney disease
>>> endpoint = hpo_onset(hpo=hpo, term_id=term_id)
>>> endpoint.description
'Compute time until onset of Stage 5 chronic kidney disease'

Statistical test

We will use Log rank test to compare the age until the endpoint between the genotype groups:

>>> from gpsea.analysis.temporal.stats import LogRankTest
>>> survival_statistic = LogRankTest()

Final analysis

We will put the final analysis together into a SurvivalAnalysis.

>>> from gpsea.analysis.temporal import SurvivalAnalysis
>>> survival_analysis = SurvivalAnalysis(
...     statistic=survival_statistic,
... )


We execute the analysis by running

>>> result = survival_analysis.compare_genotype_vs_survival(
...     cohort=cohort,
...     gt_clf=gt_clf,
...     endpoint=endpoint,
... )
>>> result.pval

Kaplan-Meier curves

We can plot Kaplan-Meier curves:

>>> from gpsea.model import Age
>>> import matplotlib as mpl
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=120)
>>> result.plot_kaplan_meier_curves(
...     ax=ax,
... )
>>> _ = ax.xaxis.set(
...     # Show X axis in years ...
...     major_formatter=mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: f"{x / Age.DAYS_IN_YEAR:.0f}"),
...     # ... with a tick for every decade
...     major_locator=mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(10 * Age.DAYS_IN_YEAR),
... )
>>> _ = ax.set(
... + " [years]",
...     ylabel="Empirical survival",
... )
>>> _ = ax.grid(axis="y")
UMOD Kaplan-Meier curves

Raw data

The result includes the survival values for all cohort members:

>>> survivals =
>>> survivals.head()  
                          genotype    phenotype
AII.1[PMID_22034507_AII_1]       0    Survival(value=18262.5, is_censored=True)
AII.2[PMID_22034507_AII_2]       0    None
AII.3[PMID_22034507_AII_3]       0    Survival(value=16436.25, is_censored=True)
AII.5[PMID_22034507_AII_5]       0    Survival(value=22280.25, is_censored=False)
AIII.4[PMID_22034507_AIII_4]     0    Survival(value=19723.5, is_censored=False)

Each line corresponeds to an individual and the dataframe is indexed by the individual’s identifier/label. The genotype column contains the genotype class code, and phenotype column includes a Survival value or None if computing the survival was impossible (see hpo_onset() for details). The Survival reports the number of days until attaining the endpoint, here defined as end stage renal disease (is_censored=False), or until the individual dropped out of the analysis (is_censored=True).